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SuffolkOil.Com Aceite de Calefacción en Línea

Complete the steps below to begin ordering heating oil. Para comenzar su pedido de aceite de calefacción complete los pasos siguientes.

Heating Oil Prices (One-Time Order) Precios de Aceite de Calefacción (por galón)


30-49 gal.


50-74 gal.


75-99 gal.


100-149 gal.


150-199 gal.


200-299 gal.


300-499 gal.


500+ gal.

Delivery Quantity & Location Cantidad y Ubicación de la Entrega

How many gallons would you like to order? ¿Cuántos galones quiere encargar?

What zip code are we delivering to? ¿A qué código postal vamos a hacer la entrega de su aceite de calefacción?

Payment Method Método de Pago

Fuel Treatment


Fuel Treatment: $15/order

Promotion & Discount Code

Do you have a promotion or discount code you would like to apply to this order?

Equipment & Tank Information Información de su Equipo de Calefacción y Tanque

Yes, my heating system needs to be primed and started. There is an additional charge for this service of $65.00. This is required if your heating system has run out of oil. Sí, mi sistema de calefacción necesita que lo preparen e inicien. Hay un cobro adicional por este servicio de $65.00. Este servicio se requiere si su sistema de calefacción se ha quedado completamente sin aceite.

Do you know the approximate size of your tank? ¿Sabe el tamaño aproximado de su tanque de aceite?

What is the approximate level of the heating oil currently in your tank? ¿Cuál es el nivel de aceite aproximado actualmente en su tanque?

Select the approximate location of fill pipe relative to the front of your home. Seleccione la ubicación aproximada de la tubería para suministro de aceite en relación al frente de su casa.

Tank Orientation:


Do you have any advice for locating your home or fill pipe? Be sure to include directions from nearest street intersection and a description of your home. ¿Tiene algún consejo para poder localizar su casa o tubería de suministro de aceite? Asegúrese de incluir indicaciones desde la calle de intersección más cercana.


Please describe the style and color of the delivery location building/home.


Do you have questions? Contact us. ¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Contáctenos.


1839 Route 112

Medford, NY 11763 USA

Phone: Teléfono: (631) 924-4030

Email: Email:


Payment Methods Métodos de Pago

  • Visa
  • Discover
  • Mastercard
  • Cash/COD

Online Payment Policy

All CASH deliveries must be paid for in CASH - NO CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Deliveries can be made as early as 7:00 AM, if you are paying by cash, please have your money available by 7:00 AM the day of delivery. Your transaction, personal information and credit card number will be secure and encrypted. All information provided on this site by you, will not be sold to any third parties, and is only used for your private account with us. Once you have placed your order, please print the receipt page and save it for your records. We can not remove heating oil once it is delivered. IF YOU USE A CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD, YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE AMOUNT OF GALLONS ORDERED WHEN YOU CLICK ON [COMPLETE ORDER]. If your tank does not take all the oil you ordered, a credit will be refunded to the card that was processed for your order within 10 - 15 business days from the date of your delivery.